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primary reduction

См. также в других словарях:

  • Primary immunodeficiency — Primary immunodeficiencies are disorders in which part of the body s immune system is missing or does not function properly. To be considered a primary immunodeficiency, the cause of the immune deficiency must not be secondary in nature (i.e.,… …   Wikipedia

  • Primary active transport — directly uses energy to transport molecules across a membrane. [GeorgiaPhysiology|7/7ch05/7ch05p11] Most of the enzymes that perform this type of transport are transmembrane ATPases. A primary ATPase universal to all cellular life is the sodium… …   Wikipedia

  • Primary production — For other uses, see Primary production (economics). Global oceanic and terrestrial photoautotroph abundance, from September 1997 to August 2000. As an estimate of autotroph biomass, it is only a rough indicator of primary production potential,… …   Wikipedia

  • Primary education — A large elementary school in Magome, Japan …   Wikipedia

  • reduction — reductional, adj. /ri duk sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of reducing or the state of being reduced. 2. the amount by which something is reduced or diminished. 3. a form produced by reducing; a copy on a smaller scale. 4. Cell Biol. meiosis, esp. the… …   Universalium

  • Primary hypertrophic osteoathropathy — Pachydermoperiostosis Classification and external resources ICD 10 L62.0, M89.4 ICD 9 …   Wikipedia

  • Primary cell — A primary cell is any kind of battery in which the electrochemical reaction is not reversible, rendering the cell non rechargeable. A common example of a primary cell is the disposable battery. Unlike a secondary cell, the reaction cannot be… …   Wikipedia

  • Primary Reserves — The minimum amount of cash required to operate a bank. Primary reserves also include the legal reserves that are housed in a Federal Reserve or other correspondent bank. Checks that have not been collected are included in this amount as well.… …   Investment dictionary

  • Primary nutritional groups — An organism may be placed into one each of the three pairs of major nutritional groups based on their carbon, energy, and electron sources.*Carbon source refers to the source of carbon used by an organism for growth and development. An organism… …   Wikipedia

  • Mobile emission reduction credit — Energy portal A mobile emission reduction credit (MERC) is an emission reduction credit generated within the transportation sector. The term “mobile sources” refers to motor vehicles, engines, and equipment that move, or can be moved, from place… …   Wikipedia

  • Mobile Emission Reduction Credit (MERC) — A Mobile Emission Reduction Credit (MERC) is an emission reduction credit generated within the transportation sector. The term “Mobile Sources” refers to motor vehicles, engines, and equipment that move, or can be moved, from place to place. [ US …   Wikipedia

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